Everyone wants to get ahead in life. For many, that means getting into a college or training program that will enable them to pay the bills. For others, getting ahead in life means being able to earn an income that not only enables them to pay bills but gives them the opportunity to live an upper-middle-class lifestyle.
For those who want to obtain six-figure jobs right out of university or training, there are careers that pay top dollar for those with the necessary skills.
If a graduate degree isn’t a possibility and you’re seeking for a career with a high earning potential, you’ll be delighted to learn that you may qualify for a number of high-paying positions with just a bachelor’s degree. Keep in mind that salaries can vary widely by state and region, so in certain parts of the country, individuals will make more than the average salaries listed while in other parts they’ll make less.
Below is a list of high-paying careers that often demand a bachelor’s, as well as recommendations on the best university subject(s) to study in order to impress employers in these fields.
1. Anesthesiologist
An anesthesiologist is a doctor who specializes in giving patients anesthesia, which prevents patients from feeling pain during surgery. But the job consists of more than simply administering gas to patients to prevent them from waking during surgery. An anesthesiologist monitors and evaluates patient care before and after surgery as well.
Like many high-paying professional careers, the job requires a good amount of training. In fact, it can take up to 14 years of schooling and training: four years of college, four years of medical school, four years of residency, followed by a year in a fellowship program, or two years of private practice. An anesthesiologist in residency can expect to make about $150,000 a year.
2. Patent Attorney
A patent attorney is a lawyer with expertise in intellectual property and the protection of an inventor’s property rights. Let’s say you just invented a device that turns water into wine. You’d likely want to consult with a patent attorney to ensure that no one else can profit from your invention.
In order to become a patent attorney, a person must earn a four-year college degree—typically in science or engineering—and graduate from a law school, which can take three to five years depending on whether you’re a full-time student or not. You’ll also be required to pass your state bar exam before you can begin practicing. The starting salary for a patent attorney is about $115,000.
3. UX Researcher
A UX research, or user experience researcher, is someone who studies user habits and trends and collects data in an effort to bring about the best product design. The user-friendly aspects of smartphones didn’t just develop through happenstance. There were UX researchers and designers who played pivotal roles in bringing smartphone useability to life.
Interest in technology jobs such as UX researcher and UX designer has increased to the point where there are even boot camps to help people break into the field. The average salary of a UX researcher is about $110,000 a year.
4. Security Architect
A security architect is someone who assesses their organization’s information technology and computer systems, identifying strengths and weaknesses. With the number of cyberattacks growing in the United States and around the world, it’s no wonder that a security architect would be able to earn top dollar.
Some employers may prefer that someone hired as a security architect have at least a bachelor’s degree. However, there are those who have earned certificates as a means of qualification. Others may even be self-taught, having learned the ins and outs of cybersecurity through hacking. Security architects earn about $120,000 a year.
5. Television Actor
A television actor is someone who plays a role in a television production, be it a sitcom, a drama, or some other televised art form. Granted, becoming a television actor can be considered a long shot because it can involve not only training but a little luck. Still, if becoming a successful television actor has happened to thousands of others it can happen to you.
The salaries of recurring cast members on television shows vary by type of show, length of the show’s season, the actors’ contracts, and other factors. But a salary well within the six-figure range and above is not untypical.
A good-paying job is something that most people strive for. This is why people go to college and get training in various types of jobs. For those looking for careers within the highest tax brackets, some typical professions would be that of a doctor or a lawyer. Some of the less typical professions would be as a security architect or an actor. Regardless, if your goal is to make lots of money the jobs are out there.
The post 5 Jobs That Pay 6-Figure Salaries After University or Training appeared first on Tweak Your Biz.
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