Thursday, December 17, 2020

How To Drive Traffic To Your Food Blog Using Pinterest

Today, Pinterest gives tough competition to Twitter and Facebook. It has the ability to leverage a decent amount of traffic to your website.

How Does Pinterest Work?

In simple words, Pinterest is like a large board where you can ‘pin’ images. These images can also be pinned by others. When this happens, your reach and audience expand.

I started a Food Blog in the last week of September and in less than 2 months, I’ve managed to gain 325 followers and over 50K unique views.

How did I do it?

Let’s find out.

My Journey So Far

I started using Pinterest 5 years ago as a college student. I would generally just save a bunch of pins that looked nice or recipes I wanted to try. Instagram was all the rage back then, therefore, I paid very little attention to Pinterest.

Two months ago, when I launched my own blog, I wanted to attract as much traffic to my blog as I could. I signed up on all the social media accounts and that’s when I realized, I needed to up my Pinterest game.

Today, Pinterest drives more traffic to my website than Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook combined.

With careful cultivation, you can grow your audience and increase your overall traffic.

Here are a few tried and tested tips that’ll help you gain visibility and attract genuine readers:

#1. Pinterest Button

The first thing I did after signing up for a Pinterest Business account was adding a Pinterest button to my blog.

Doing so helps your readers seamlessly repin your images and posts.

#2. Optimize Your Profile and Account

Each and every seemingly small detail from your Display Name to your Address matter. Fill out all the details and remember to optimize it.

Just like Twitter and Facebook, you need to tell Pinterest who you are, what your content is about, and why you’re unique.

Pay attention to the ‘about your profile’ section. Add at least two keywords you wish to rank for in a natural manner. Doing so will help you rank higher in Pinterest search results.

Next, set your business type and goals. This way, you’ll receive tips and tricks according to the goal you’re trying to achieve.

#3. Claim Your Website

Claim your website and other accounts such as Youtube, Etsy, and Instagram. It helps you get credit for all the content you create on Pinterest.

Once your content has been claimed, your profile picture and name will appear in all the Pins that come from external accounts or your site.

#4. Eye-Catching Images

I know, this sounds pretty obvious but it’s true! Especially if you run a food blog or perhaps even a decor store.

Since an image can speak a thousand words, it’s crucial to use high-definition photos.

If you’re just starting out, I suggest you create your own space where you can capture good photos using your phone.

A few basic things will help you add that spark to your photos:

Invest in an Aesthetically Pleasing Dinner Set

Your food will look better if it’s well plated. If you’re on a budget, I suggest buying neutral, solid serving items.

Use Props Such as Scarves, Plants, Cutlery

According to Canva, you can use a range of props from textured fabrics to unique trays and pans.

Use Raw Ingredients or Complementary Food Items

Surround your dish with sliced or whole food portions. This works well also because it gives instantly gives the reader an idea of what ingredients were used.

Try a Good Photo Editing App/Software

I love Canva and it’s my go-to software when it comes to my food photos. With customizable templates and a plethora of elements and styling options, Canva is hands-down the best software I’ve ever come across.

You can also use other software such as Photoshop or Lightroom to bring out the best in your photos.

Pinterest is a visual medium and you’re bound to attract more visitors if your images are drool-worthy.

5. Link to Pinterest

In order to gain more followers, I added my Pinterest links everywhere — my email signature, newsletter, and blog.

This makes it easier for my readers to follow me or simply check out the kind of content I create.

6. Create Boards According to Your Expertise

Creating boards about things you’re skilled/good at helps Pinterest see you as an authority. For instance, if you create dessert recipes, create boards on the same subject.

7. Create Boards Related To Your Niche

You should always create boards that seem to solve a problem. For instance, 7 salad recipes for every day of the week, 25 cheesecake recipes, 25 lunch ideas for fussy kids. People usually go back to these kinds of boards over and over again.

8. Strategically Pin Other’s Recipes

You should share similar content via your account. Rather than seeing it as your competition, see it as an opportunity. This tells Pinterest and your audience that you’re genuinely interested in this kind of content.

It’s also a good idea to join group boards to expand your reach. Group boards are easy to find and have a certain set of rules you need to follow as a group member.

You’re required to share a few posts every week. In return, they allow you to post in the group board. Group boards generally have a huge following and viewership which gives your post the push it needs.

Also, other group members end up sharing your post further amplifying your reach.

9. Engage With the Pinterest Community

You need to stay active and…human. While it’s okay to schedule your posts in advance, it’s crucial to like, comment, and follows the accounts you like.

Share proper attribution by adding @ before their names. Take a minute to analyze and evaluate the post you wish to re-pin. Do it only if it’s worthwhile.

The Takeaway

Spend a few minutes on Pinterest every day to understand how you can engage and grow with the community. It’s an effective tool that’ll not only help you increase traffic but also understand what kind of content people like.

Just like Facebook and Twitter are worth your investment, so is Pinterest!

Now it’s your turn to follow these tips and work your magic.

Duck fillet -DepositPhotos

The post How To Drive Traffic To Your Food Blog Using Pinterest appeared first on Tweak Your Biz.

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