Monday, December 7, 2020

How Long is An Amazon Seller Suspension?

One of the worst things that could happen to an Amazon seller, is a suspension. It often comes as a surprise, and it’s never pleasant. Getting suspended on Amazon is an issue because not only does it shut down your business, but in some cases can freeze your bank account too. Amazon will almost always hold your funds. Therefore, one of the most common questions asked by Amazon sellers is “When I will be able to continue my business on Amazon?” And trust us, we know it’s a very valid question to ask.

Unfortunately, as much as we’d like to claim otherwise, there is no exact answer to that question since in most cases the period of your account’s reinstatement depends on the type of your suspension. If it is just a verification suspension, then you can return your selling privileges in a comparably short period of time (if you’re lucky and a more serious problem doesn’t pop up). Whereas serious cases like Intellectual Property Suspensions and Multiple accounts violations can take a very long period of time for reinstatement. Another crucial part refers to the reinstatement company whom you trust your account’s reinstatement. Most reinstatement “experts” or companies will write generic, non-professional appeals that will keep getting rejected over and over again, further delaying the reinstatement process.

Unfortunately, nowadays there are lots of these fraudulent companies which do not understand the seriousness of such kinds of issues, and just earn money on peoples’ problems, without really offering solid solutions that will actually get the accounts back. Therefore, before contacting any reinstatement company, try to ensure that it is a reputable company that is able to help you with your account’s suspension. Make sure those who work at the company are professionals and not just run-of-the-mill influencers. Or, you can directly contact Got Suspended Clients’ here, which has great experience in suspended accounts reinstatement. Professional paralegals which are working in this team, can not only reinstate your suspended account in a speedy manner but also teach you how to build a successful business on Amazon. The people who have founded our company are experienced Amazon experts who have been in the playing field for quite some time and know Amazon’s inner workings like the back of their hands. But before going further, let’s try to figure out the main types of Amazon suspension.

Every Type of Amazon Suspension

Generally, there are lots of reasons due to which Amazon can shut your account down. So much, in fact, that people are afraid of making the smallest moves, lest they get their account suspended.  However, the most common reasons are:

  • Order Defect Rate (ODR) – when your ODR exceeds 1 percent as a result of various
  • issues, such as negative reviews or customer complaints.
  • Late Shipment Rate – Your late shipment rate should not exceed 4 percent,
  • because if it does, your account will get shut down.
  • Cancellation Rate – When the cancellation rate is above 2.5%, Amazon will suspend you. Make sure you don’t have too many cancellations!
  • Inauthentic Suspension– When you source your products from unauthorized distributors, they are automatically regarded as inauthentic, and this suspension happens.
  • Intellectual Property Suspension – When you are violating somebody else’s Intellectual Property Rights, particularly a brand’s, you’re putting your account at risk of not just a suspension, but also legal action. This type of suspension often involves a legal attorney.
  • Linked Account Suspension – When you are running multiple seller accounts without getting Amazon’s permission or when Amazon links your account to another one, it is a surefire way of getting suspended on the platform.
  • Verification Suspension – When Amazon finds mismatching information on your backend. This often happens when sellers create a new account on Amazon’s platform, or when they decide to change any information on their seller accounts backends, such as credit card or any other document. This suspension is Amazon’s way of making sure that its platform is safe, along with everyone on it.

These were just the most common types of Amazon suspension; of course, there are also lots of reasons for which Amazon can suspend your seller privileges, including any errors with packing and shipping processes. Therefore, you have to be extra careful in order to avoid Amazon suspensions at any cost. Of course, You can hire additional staff, which will handle separate parts of your business. Or you can contact Got Suspended Clients, and we will handle all the problems of your business by providing you with full guidelines on how to run a safe business on Amazon without risking Amazon suspensions. Contact us and we will prove to you that it was the best decision that you have ever made! Don’t trust us? Take a look at our extensive resume! It speaks for itself for sure!

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The post How Long is An Amazon Seller Suspension? appeared first on Tweak Your Biz.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for such an insightful article. Getting your amazon account reinstated is a very daunting task. Getting in touch with amazon suspension services helped got my seller account back.
