Tuesday, December 8, 2020

5 Ideas To Make Your WFH (Work From Home) More Fun

Most of our adult lives revolve around our work. We love being associated with what we do. And whether we enjoy it more or less, doesn’t make jobs less important.  So if you have been working from home, and have been getting bored lately, there are some fun things you can do to make life a little bit easy for yourself.  After all, you spend most of your time beating deadlines!

Sounds like what you need right now? Below are the five best ideas to make work from home more fun.

Introduce Rewards

Adding a little bit of spice to your work environment will keep you motivated. List several things that you need to be done, then challenge yourself to do them as faster as you can. But of course, without compromising quality.

You can even set a time limit and get the alarm clock counting. Once you win (finish before the alarm rings), give yourself a treat. It could be a bar of chocolate you’ve denied yourself for a while, a lengthy hot shower, or anything that will make you feel extra special.

If you find it difficult to compete against yourself, make a virtual invite to a colleague or team member and let the best player win. However, avoid extremes. You don’t want to breed bitterness and embark on an unending journey of unhappiness. Good relations result in better work relationships, be it in the office or home.

Personalize Your Work Space

Your workspace should ooze with your traits. So even if it’s a tiny room or corner within your home, you can still personalize it. Consider adding a few shades of your favorite color on the walls, hanging an art piece you love, or simply placing your family photo on your desk.

Invest in comfortable and good quality furniture (Your back will thank you for this.) Have a personalized vision board for a complete typical office appearance. You can adjust the mood according to preference.

Anything that will make you feel calm and belonging is welcome.  Remember, wanting to make your work area personal isn’t selfish. Everyone desires privacy, and what better place to demonstrate that apart from your home? If you got kids, let them help out. Life values are passed through participation, and they will enjoy doing something good for you.

Buy a Dartboard

Turn break time into game time. A little bit of fun never harms anyone. Rather, there are numerous benefits you stand to gain. One of the easiest games you can introduce to your daily life is darts.

It requires little space, can be played solely, and is suitable for beginners. Setting up a dartboard is easy and straightforward and do not require hiring anyone. You can do it by yourself in a matter of minutes.

Besides, when you shoot darts, you exercise your arms, legs, and actually the entire body. You walk to the dartboard in between shots and improve eye and hand coordination.

Also, you have a reason to invite a friend over, boosting your confidence and strengthening social skills.

Change your Environment

Yes, you might have a home office or working area, but you don’t have to stick to it. Remember too much familiarity, especially where work is concerned quickly breeds boredom. So if you can work outdoors from time to time, go ahead. You can turn your relaxing shade into your office for a day or a few hours. Nothing neutralizes boredom faster than a peak of nature.

Besides, an ooze of fresh air is good for you, and can instantly reactivate your brain, and brighten your mood, making you more productive.

Work from the rooftop, games room, or your kids’ entertainment area depending on your mood. Some people confess to coming up with incredible ideas after watching others play. Your brain needs new things to absorb, enjoy, and interpret daily.

Play Your Favorite Tunes

If you love music, you can use it to avoid getting bored and achieving your optimum proactive nature. In fact, it’s scientifically proven that moderate music sounds can significantly improve your creativity and concentration levels. You can even exercise with it by dancing to tunes, during your free time.

Also, try getting those earphones on and listening to tracks as you type. You can also add motivational audios in the mix as well.


These are but some of the really amazing and easy ideas you can try at home. Remember, you are responsible for yourself, and no one can make you as happy as you can make yourself. So you don’t have to be perfect at what you do, but at least you deserve to can have a good time working.  Dance, decorate, play, and reward your inner person. It’s worth it.

Portrait of a man using a laptop computer -DepositPhotos

The post 5 Ideas To Make Your WFH (Work From Home) More Fun appeared first on Tweak Your Biz.

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