Friday, October 23, 2020

How to Use FOMO Marketing to Boost eCommerce Sales

Have you ever been scrolling through your social media feed, seen your friends on an awesome vacation without you (pre-pandemic, of course), and experienced FOMO? FOMO stands for the “fear of missing out.”

You’ve likely experienced the feeling before. FOMO is a common emotion for many; for example, when a friend gets the latest tech gadget before you, when you miss out on a great sale, when your favorite restaurant closes early—this is FOMO. FOMO is a real phenomenon, and it’s very powerful.

But did you know that your eCommerce business can use FOMO in your marketing to drive sales? It’s true. When people see that others are buying your products, it makes them want to buy from you too—they don’t want to miss out. In fact, according to FOMO statistics, 60% of people make purchases because of FOMO, usually within 24 hours. So, how can you take advantage of FOMO? Here’s how to use FOMO marketing to boost eCommerce sales.

Use Urgency and Scarcity

One of the easiest ways to use FOMO in your marketing is by creating a sense of urgency and scarcity. When shoppers feel like they only have a limited amount of time to snag an amazing deal or there’s only a limited number of items left in stock, they’ll rush to the checkout to buy before it’s too late.

You can create urgency by holding a flash sale or promoting a limited-time offer. For example, offering consumers free shipping for 24 hours would have shoppers scrambling to make a purchase in order to avoid missing out on that great deal. To increase the feeling of urgency even further, don’t forget to use urgent-sounding phrases in your marketing like “don’t miss out,” “one day only,” or “before it’s too late.” You might even use a countdown timer in your email marketing campaigns or on your website so shoppers can see the time ticking away.

Some examples of using scarcity in marketing include showing that there’s only a few items remaining, offering limited-edition products, and using phrases like “while supplies last.”

Display User-Generated Content

User-generated content is any type of content, such as images, videos, or text, that users share and create on online social media platforms. User-generated content inspires FOMO in consumers because they’re able to see real people using and loving your product, which makes them want to become one of your happy customers too. People want what their peers have.

So, start incorporating user-generated content in your marketing. You can share user-generated content on your social media accounts, within your email marketing, or you can even create a section on your eCommerce website to display user-generated content.

Here’s how cosmetics company Juvia’s Place adds an Instagram feed on its website to showcase user-generated content.

You can encourage your customers to create user-generated content for you simply by asking them. Many of your customers will be happy to take a quick photo in exchange for being featured on your website or social media profile.

Share Reviews and Testimonials

Similar to user-generated content, reviews and testimonials are a great way to showcase your existing happy customers and use FOMO in your marketing to boost sales. If a shopper sees that product has great reviews from their peers, they’ll be more likely to buy it; 41% of consumers will be tempted to purchase a product with as few as 1 to 4 reviews.

Be sure to display product reviews and testimonials prominently on your website, especially on individual product pages. If a user is checking out a specific product on your website, they’re likely ready to make a purchase decision. When customers see glowing reviews right underneath the product they’re eyeing, they will be encouraged to take the plunge and buy.

Show Real-Time Activity

When a user is on your website, it can sometimes feel like they’re the only person there. But, if they can see that other people are on your site at the same time and that they’re buying products, it will make them want to get their hands on your products for themselves. Using the right WordPress plugins or other tools, you can show real-time activity on your site to show your website visitors that other people are buying your products.

For example, you can create a recent sales popup that displays a message on your website every time someone buys a product.

These real-time recent sales notifications will make shoppers feel more at ease in their purchasing decision and encourage them to join the crowd by heading to the checkout.

Use Popups to Send Shoppers to Checkout

Many online shoppers will browse eCommerce sites, maybe add a few items in their cart, then have second thoughts and abandon the website altogether—and they may never return. To turn those abandoning website visitors into customers, you need to use FOMO to encourage them to stay on your site and buy.

One of the best ways to do this is by adding an exit-intent popup to your site. An exit-intent popup can track when a user is about to leave and send them a targeted message at exactly the right time.

Check out this popup and how it causes FOMO in website visitors:

If the user doesn’t sign up for the email list, they’ll miss out on the opportunity to get 15% off their first purchase. Many users won’t pass this offer up; they’ll rush to provide their email list and complete their first shopping order on your site if it means they can save a bit of money. As you can see, you can use FOMO to grow your email list and generate sales at the same time.

Over to You

While FOMO might seem like a negative thing at first, it’s not about making your audience feel bad at all. You’re simply encouraging them to take action before they miss out on an awesome opportunity. So, start using these FOMO marketing tips to skyrocket your eCommerce sales.

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The post How to Use FOMO Marketing to Boost eCommerce Sales appeared first on Tweak Your Biz.

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