Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Multiple Reasons Why You May Need an Employment Lawyer

The relationship between employers and employees is a tricky one. Things can go wrong at any point, often for no apparent reason. However, when you were terminated from the job because of whistleblowing activities, or when you have faced discrimination, the circumstances are different. Sadly, workplace discrimination is way too common, and employees often don’t pursue legal action, because they are concerned about their career and eventual consequences. Talking to a known attorney, such as employment lawyer Ravi Sattiraju, can really help. Here are some of the common reasons why you may need an employment lawyer:

For Wrongful Termination

If you were filed wrongfully, or because your employer retaliated against you, there may be a scope to file a wrongful termination suit. There are many laws that protect the rights of employees. A skilled attorney can help in understanding the legal actions better. 

For Sexual Harassment and/or Racial Discrimination

No matter the circumstances, you shouldn’t take sexual harassment cases lightly. This may even mean something like getting lewd advances from your supervisor. The same is true for racial discrimination. Unfortunately, both racial discrimination and sexual harassment are quite common. Talk to an attorney to know what may work best for your circumstances. 

For A Complaining About Being in a Toxic Work Environment

Your employer is responsible for offering a safe workplace. However, if you are working in a toxic work environment and the management hasn’t taken action even after informing, contact an employment lawyer. In some cases, you may have the right to file a lawsuit. Also, your lawyer can make a legal proposal to have your workplace inspected or help you get compensation. 

For Workers’ Compensation Claims

If you have suffered injuries in a workplace accident, you can file a workers’ compensation claim to ask for financial compensation. In case your claim is denied, or your employer has retaliated against you, it is important to work with an employment lawyer. Your lawyer can also help in filing the workers’ compensation claim. 

For Reviewing Your Job Contact

 It is a misconception that employment lawyers only handle trouble. You can visit an attorney for reasons like reviewing your job contract. Your lawyer can help in understanding the contract and what you are signing up for. 

For Negotiating an Exit Package

 If you are a longer service employee who wants a way out of your role, an employment attorney can help facilitate a gradual exit that is both satisfying to you and your employer. With the services of your attorney, you do not need to exit your workplace hastily. 

For Protecting Your Rights Amid Employment Changes

 If your boss is making significant changes to your job duties, benefits, or compensation without your consent, you may feel the need to either accept it or quit your job. The unilateral actions of your boss may be considered constructive dismissal, which gives you the same rights when you were wrongfully terminated from work. Constructive dismissal can also come in the form of employee layoffs. Because of the complexity of the law in this area, you must consult an employment attorney as soon as possible to know if you are a victim of constructive dismissal. Proving constructive dismissal is quite hard and requires careful analysis of the situation. Your attorney will tell you about the strengths and weaknesses of your case, so you know your chances when you take your case to court. 

For Navigating Confusing Deadlines and Requirements

 If you are filing a lawsuit against your employer, your attorney can help you navigate the filing deadlines and requirements. You may miss these details if you decide to do it yourself. Keep in mind that your employer may have a solid team of attorneys to represent them and protect their best interests. These lawyers will take each opportunity they can find to devalue you and the case you filed against their client. However, you should not let them do this. A strong legal advocate who is on your side will fight for your rights and keep your best interest in mind. 

If you were denied the rights given to you, or have suffered discrimination in any form or manner, contact an attorney. Top employment lawyers are not scared of taking the battle ahead against big companies, and they will do what it takes to investigate the matter. Most attorneys offer free consultation, and therefore at the least, consider meeting a lawyer. 

Depending on your situation, it may be necessary to hire an employment attorney while still have your job. Meanwhile, if you have lost your job, you need a lawyer to help you pursue a termination claim. No matter your circumstances, a great attorney can assess your employment-related situation and recommend the right course of action to resolve them. 

The post Multiple Reasons Why You May Need an Employment Lawyer appeared first on Tweak Your Biz.

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