Friday, August 6, 2021

7 Efficient Business Tools That Will Enable You Save Time and Money

It doesn’t matter if it is a large or small business or even for an entrepreneur, you are sure to need some tools that will not only help you save time but also money.

These tools are normally called Business Technology tools basically because they are equipped with modernized technology that provides versatility and productivity to the business.

They help firms achieve optimum efficiency and productivity. With a customer-centric interface and data-driven results, business tools are meant to keep the process linear.

The majority of business technologies are more advantageous than old tools. While making use of these tools, you get better ROI which in turn creates more time to focus on your business.


1. Task Management Tools

With the aid of Task management tools, small business owners have an easy, and cost-efficient way to save time and money.

Any tool that permits you to trace a task digitally, instead of manually, will be a great boon to enable you to save lots of time communicating and tracking your work and also the work of your employees.

Online task management tools like Asana and Trello can assist you to stay on top of your to-do lists, project progress, and calendars.

These tools will help you set up automatic reminders and updates so that you don’t have to spend time manually monitoring everything.

They also serve as collaboration tools, ensuring that everyone on your team is aware of what has been completed, what remains to be completed, and who has been assigned to the task.


2. Email and Social Media Marketing

Today, many daily “busy work” tasks are often automated so you can specialize in more cerebral endeavors.

Email marketing systems (EMS) like Aweber and MailChimp allow you to simply keep your email subscribers informed of stories about your business and important deals and promotions. Even better, many EMS platforms also obtrude your email newsletter to your social networks, so you don’t need to post on your own.


3. Social Media Scheduling Tools

Small business owners know the vital importance of using social media to connect with their prospective clients and customers. Unfortunately, social media too often is a time drain.

People visit social media apps for just a minute, only to snap out of it an hour later, way down the social media rabbit hole!

Social media scheduling tools like Buffer and HootSuite allow you to schedule posts that you want to share on the specified dates and times without setting foot on the particular social media sites themselves, avoiding that distraction.

You’ll also write up a week’s or month’s posts beforehand, all directly, then use these scheduling systems to pump out your promotions when you want them. You’ll be able to grow your business without spending an excessive amount of time on social media.


4. Scheduling Meetings

Setting up meetings can mean many emailing back and forth to seek out a mutually prescribed time. Scheduling tools like Calendly and Acuity can help automate the method of fixing meetings.

All you have to do is to send the opposite person your link and they will respond to it at any available time.


5. Obtaining e-Signatures

For e-signatures on contracts and agreements, you can make use of HelloSign or DocuSign.

Upload your document, note where signatures are needed, add the proper email address, and therefore the system will send it for you! it’ll even ping the person with reminders that the document hasn’t been signed within a particular period.

No more hassling people for signatures or hoping the post office remains open whenever you get a contract call.


6. Finding and Retaining Business Clients

If you are looking to gain more clients or retain the ones you have, or you just need to uncover hidden revenue, then Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platforms like Hubspot, SalesForce, and Insightly are invaluable resources.

A CRM helps you retain track of potential, current, and former customers from the primary interaction through your marketing and sales funnels. It also can provide tools to nurture those relationships.

Using a CRM consistently also will assist you to make solid business decisions supported by actual data rather than guessing.

You’ll see what percentage of new customers you’ve added during a certain period. You can also view contracts by specific data points like region or sort of product they bought. That way, you’ll know who to focus on with follow-up messages for referrals or repeat business.

That’s getting to make your marketing dollars go tons farther.


7. Document Collaboration

When you have to collaborate with others, file-sharing systems like Google Drive and Dropbox are a requirement.

These digital tools make sure that all your files are backed up and let you share documents with others. It also prevents everyone’s inbox from getting clogged with multiple versions of an equivalent document.

You can add real-time with one another or enter at your leisure to ascertain what work people have added.

These tools can be used internally together with your team otherwise you could even use these kinds of tools with clients and vendors to stay track of what everyone wants and wishes.



There are numerous options for technology, tools, and platforms that will assist you to grow your business. Once you recognize what you would like to realize, take the time to research the simplest options for you and your business.

All of those tools (and others like them) create more time for you to do more during the day.

They will also alleviate the necessity for extra employees, keeping your overhead costs down. which means you’ve got the time and cash you would like to grow.

The post 7 Efficient Business Tools That Will Enable You Save Time and Money appeared first on Tweak Your Biz.

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