Thursday, July 29, 2021

What Is the Google Knowledge Graph (and Does It Affect SEO)?

The knowledge graph is a semantic technology and knowledge base of the Google company that allows you to find not only narrow information about the requested object or phenomenon, but also various information regarding the requested object. In this technology, Google brings the search closer to human perception: if you ask a person what Jupiter is, he will answer that this is the fifth planet from the Sun, but a little later he will begin to remember some other information, for example, the number of satellites, weight, period revolution around the Sun, length of the year, and so on. Now, when you search for “Jupiter” in Google, in addition to the usual search results, a card will appear on the right with that knowledge and that information that is located semantically close to the requested object.


Knowledge Graph technology

Google analyzed the history of search queries and those who asked for certain objects and facts; on the basis of this analysis, a graph was built that displays the semantic proximity of these phenomena, facts, objects. And when requesting for any object, Google offers to look close, within the graph, objects and facts. It is also proposed to search for close queries, for example, if you are looking for information about Pushkin, Google will offer you to search about Dante, Goethe, etc.


The purpose of Google Knowledge Graph

Google’s goal is to create a database with real, factual information that produces the most understandable results. The user’s request is no longer limited to links, Google now provides additional, relevant information on it.

The main purpose of this technology is to collect data and present the basic necessary information on the search results page, freeing the user from unnecessary waste of time searching on various other sites. Now a user who wants to know how many satellites Jupiter has does not need to open Wikipedia, he sees this information immediately on the first page. In some cases, for example, in a situation of poor Internet connection, this technology will save a lot of time, since the user will have to download fewer pages.


How does it work? Example

Suppose, for example, that we are interested in the personality of Abraham Lincoln. In response to the corresponding request, to the right of the issue, Google will show a “card” with basic information about Honest Abe.

The information that the Knowledge Network offers specifically in this case:




excerpt from a biography;


Date of death;

information about the spouse;

data about children;

selected quotes;

block with links: “People looking for this also showed interest.”

Agree, there is a lot of information on a two-word request. Undoubtedly, such a search result will appeal to the user more than a link. But it can also help website owners with promotions.

If you look closely at the “card”, you can understand what information Google considered the most useful for the user. And, accordingly, apply this to improve your content, increase the visibility of the site.


Related information

Let’s take another look at the Abraham Lincoln dataset. If everything is clear with the name, portraits, biography, then why is the height indicated? From the school course, you may remember that Abe Lincoln was very tall (1.93 m). Since Google knows this fact accompanying the president’s biography, it seemed logical to it to add it to the “card”.

Now quotes, why did Google decide to add them? Again, Lincoln is known for outstanding speeches, and Google has inserted some of his most popular ones.

You see, there is only one phrase in the request and such a deep approach to information delivery. The search engine provides more than just a “quick answer”. With the development of the Knowledge Graph, Google has the opportunity to share additional information that makes the search more useful.


Types of “cards”

There are many types of “cards” filled with specific and unique information. It is hardly possible to cover all topics, the most popular are listed here:




sports performance;







There are many more options available, making the “cards” attractive and competitive with “regular” search results. If your brand is mentioned in any of the Knowledge Network results, your site may receive targeted traffic.


Google Knowledge Graph development

In recent years, the content provided by the Knowledge Network has become much more interactive. At first, it only contained static content such as images, social media profiles, and general search information. Nowadays, these opportunities are constantly expanding. If you are looking for a movie, you can book tickets directly to watch it at your local cinema. And if you are looking for a local store, then you will know for sure when the busiest times are there. Google loves to experiment with the Web, namely in what form to demonstrate and present information to the user.


How to add your content to the Knowledge Graph

We came to the main question: “How to get into the Knowledge Graph?” Experts from an SEO company can advise you to use two ways to achieve this goal. Just do not take them as step-by-step guides. As mentioned, Google uses a fairly broad context to process each request, but you can start with the following.


Use Schema Markup

If you remember that Google is primarily a database, you will quickly understand why a search engine advocates structured information. Those who have worked with spreadsheets and databases know what this is about. If your data is in a mess, it is worth doing it, if everything is ok, it will be easier for you to work.

Schema is a common markup language that Google and other search engines use to better recognize content on a web page.

Using Schema will require some technical knowledge from you, but it’s not that scary. Before you start, it’s worth familiarizing yourself with the different types of micro-markup. The amount of information is impressive, so focus on the basics: creative work, organization, personality, product, feedback.

If you know the type of content for which you need markup, start working with schema. Here you can use, for example, JSON-LD (JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data). Don’t be intimidated by the long name – you don’t need to be a programmer to use this. Try Schema Markup Generator (JSON-LD): fill in the required information and copy the generated code.

The good thing about JSON-LD is that its codes are used anywhere on the page and do not affect CSS or HTML markup like some other systems for adding micro-markup. You can add code directly to the page, but it’s still better to create tags using the Tag manager and copy the code into it.

When you’re done, it will be useful to use the Structured Data Testing Tool from Google to check how everything works.

By adding micro-markup to your site, you help Google better recognize your content and add valuable metadata to its database. By providing the search engine with information about your company, about a certain person, or on another topic, you present yourself as an expert. This does not guarantee that the site will be included in the Knowledge Graph, but it increases its chances of being noticed.


Update your content

Many people are imbued with the importance of creating really good content, and that’s great. The only question is, what is “good” content? 

The Knowledge Graph can tell you what Google considers good content. For example, you want to help your readers create a blog, but you don’t know how to write about it. A simple query “How to start a blog” can tell you a lot.

The first thing we see in the SERP is an article like “How to create …” with specific items – an updated guide for this year (another tip: update content regularly!), With a heading that includes a keyword. You can read this article, notice what is missing in it, write a post with a personal point of view, and start actively promoting it.

If this path seems difficult, pay attention to the block “People also ask …”, here you can also find tips: links to other articles on similar topics.

The knowledge graph equalizes the rights of the players. If you take the time to understand what exactly works and respond to user queries, you can seriously improve your search positions.

Google’s campaign to improve search is a challenge. It is not easy to evaluate all the information and give a really useful result. The knowledge graph has improved the search experience for users, and you can use cards as a powerful new way to improve your brand awareness.



The knowledge graph is an important part of the Google search experience. It supports many innovative ways to display data in a search engine. Embedding your information on the Knowledge Graph is essential, especially if you have your own business. Because you must make sure that your company data is correct and displayed correctly. 

Many other parts of the Knowledge Graph are built from structured data such as reviews, movies and event information, so be sure to tag your data in any way you like.

The post What Is the Google Knowledge Graph (and Does It Affect SEO)? appeared first on Tweak Your Biz.

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