Monday, May 24, 2021

Email Marketing Made Simple — Best Email Strategies to Generate More Sales

Pieces of advice to improve email marketing performance

There are so many things to consider why it’s a great idea to make email one of your top priorities, but here are the main 3 advantages:

  1. Bulk mail is the TOP-1communication channel. Have you heard that at least 99% of cosumers open their email boxes on a daily basis?
  1. You are the owner of your list. On Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn your account could be deleted in no time , for any reason, without notice. Although, you own your email list.
  1. Emails convert better. Consumers who buy items marketed through email spend 138% more than those people who do not get email offers.


It will be much easier and faster to promote your brand if you choose the right marketing strategy. There are many methods that can help increase customer interest in new products and services. But many organizations lack the tricks or tools that will improve the effectiveness of their ecommerce email marketing.

To create an advertising campaign that will be profitable, it is enough to:

  • define your target audience;
  • create an informative email with the link to go to the site;
  • include a call to action;
  • create a plan and calendar according to which emails will be sent.

To reduce the burden on your employees during the development of a marketing campaign, contact Atompark. Modern tools and services for mass mailings will help to notify your customers about news and other useful information in the shortest possible time. This will lead to an increase in demand for your services, and then an increase in the conversion rate on the site.


Commit to your email marketing strategy

For a marketing strategy to give maximum results, you must have a clear plan. Bulk emails that are sent without a schedule are ineffective. Subscribers will be happy to read new emails that will arrive at a certain time. At the same time, it’s not necessary to bother readers at the end of the working day or on weekends, if we are not talking about important and urgent information.

Regular mailings will save you not only time but also money. Email marketing is about long-term plans that will work effectively in the future. Gradually introduction of your target audience to your brand will help increase the customer engagement and conversion rates on your site.

It’s not necessary to send out emails every day. Many clients speak well of companies that send messages once a week. This allows them to stay up to date and make useful purchases at the right time. Regular notifications of upcoming promotions, product discounts or free shipping will help you get the best return from your customers.

Users who are interested in receiving your newsletters will happily go to your site and make purchases. If you don’t want to waste time choosing the Email Tracker and setting up a campaign, contact the professionals.


Use personalization techniques

An easy way to maximize the return on your ad campaign is to use personalization in every email. It’s enough to include a username at the beginning of a message and greet each customer personally. This way the target audience will feel that the company is interested in communication. Personalized emails have a higher open rate, so these methods shouldn’t be neglected.

Various email marketing programs allow to increase brand awareness. A correctly chosen method and a well-defined plan is the best way to promote your company. The main thing is to focus on the target audience, its age and social status. Young people will find it interesting to read personalized emails with humor, while for an older audience, messages in a serious and business tone are more suitable.


Improve and resend an unopened campaign

To analyze a certain advertising campaign, study its email marketing metrics. One of the popular problems is unopened emails. Regardless of how much time has been spent on their design, font selection, and content creation, customers may not move on to reading.

In order not to lose the target audience, it’s enough to change the approach. Divide your customers into several categories. Segmentation of your contact base will help to find out which of the users will be interested in reading your newsletters. Perhaps it is aimed at working adults, but you sent it to students? Or the topic of your newsletter includes the description of new children’s toys, while it was sent to customers who are not interested in such goods.

Try using a strategy like this:

  • choose a target audience interested in your brand;
  • clear the list of invalid or inactive contacts;
  • send emails that will not end up in the spam folder.

After you chose the subject line for marketing emails and create suitable content, resend emails to those who haven’t read them. You can start the communication by re-introducing your company and then move on to decisive actions. Offer your customers a product or service they can’t refuse. To do this, it is worth offering some kind of bonus — a discount on a purchase or profitable conditions for repeated purchases on your site.

The post Email Marketing Made Simple — Best Email Strategies to Generate More Sales appeared first on Tweak Your Biz.

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