Wednesday, May 26, 2021

eCommerce User Experience: How It Works

User experience (or UX) is vital for every eCommerce platform. Why? Having an outstanding user experience means that your customers are happy, resulting in more profits and sales. However, how does user experience work, and how do you improve that aspect of your eCommerce platform?


Definition of User Experience

User experience (or UX) is how a user feels when using your platform. Platforms can be a website, software, or mobile application. It is the task of UX designers from a software development company such as Redwerk to develop a system that is easy to use and relevant for the users.


How eCommerce User Experience Works

An excellent user experience means designing a system with the goal of more straightforward use. Some factors you have to consider that also influences user experience in eCommerce platforms are:

  • Usability

Usability means being able to navigate around your eCommerce platform effectively and efficiently. This aspect includes having a responsive web design (if website) and easy to use even for not tech-savvy users.

  • Credibility

Having credibility is an essential factor in improving the user experience. You can only achieve that by making your users trust your eCommerce platform. Thus, you should ensure that all images you post on your eCommerce platform match what it looks like in real life. You can also start by communicating with your customers and answer their questions, if any.

  • Findable

Let’s face it. People do not have all the time looking for a product that they need to get. This reason is why search bars and product categories are vital in every eCommerce platform. It makes the process easier and more convenient. Don’t you think so?

  • Value

Finally, your eCommerce platform should deliver value to your customers. Ensure that all products serve a purpose or have a reason for why customers should buy your items.

Let’s take the example of using two eCommerce platforms. We will name them X and Y. When using the X eCommerce system, the process is smooth, easy, and quick without any hassles. You can easily find the products you are looking for because there are several categories on the platform. That is an example of having an outstanding user experience.

Meanwhile, as you use the Y eCommerce program, the procedure was lengthy, and the system took minutes to load its contents. That is a bad user experience, which you should avoid to prevent customers from leaving and uninstalling your eCommerce platform.


Users’ Expectations in eCommerce Platforms

Since the pandemic, there has been a rise in the usage of eCommerce platforms when purchasing necessities. Some people would opt to buy items or order food through online stores to prevent the risk of catching Coronavirus.

When designing your eCommerce platform, it is essential to consider the users’ expectations when using the system. If the customers like using your platform, it could also increase user experience, which is beneficial for both businesses and users.

Today’s online customers expect eCommerce platforms to be smooth, fast, hassle-free, and easy to use. Users may also want options for free shipping (who wouldn’t?) and prefer services that offer quick purchases. Thus, you should ensure that your eCommerce platform aligns with your users’ expectations, resulting in customer satisfaction.


Best Practices of User Experience for eCommerce Platforms

An outstanding and efficient user experience enables online shoppers to navigate and purchase on your eCommerce platform easily. Here are some of the best practices of eCommerce user experience that you can apply on your platform:

  • Responsive Web Design

If your eCommerce platform is a website, consider making it mobile-friendly for smartphone users. Responsive web design resizes your site according to a user’s device size, which is excellent since it is convenient and easier to navigate.

  • Fix Broken Links (if any!)

Errors are inevitable even for large eCommerce platforms. However, encountering broken links brings inconvenience for the users since they do not have time to fix things out. Thus, you should ensure to check your platform regularly and fix broken links as soon as possible.

  • Have a Clean eCommerce Platform Design

Since having an eCommerce platform means that you’re doing a business, it is vital to be professional at all times. That includes the design of your eCommerce platform. Make sure that the structure aligns with your brand and it is pleasing to the eye. Avoid overdoing things since it can easily lead you to downfall.

  • Display Good Angles of Your Products

When you go online shopping, don’t you feel frustrated when the product only contains one image? That is why it is essential to provide good photos (and even videos if possible) of your products. Remember, multimedia can be the deciding factor for customers buying the product, so choose images and videos wisely.



The post eCommerce User Experience: How It Works appeared first on Tweak Your Biz.

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