Thursday, March 25, 2021

Online Health Insurance: Coverage Options That Are Must

Does a health emergency come with a notice? Definitely not, which is why you should buy IIFL health insurance online. With the kind of present work life, more and more people are facing health issues. While you are advised to focus more on your health and lifestyle, you cannot overlook the need for health insurance. If a person does not have a policy, all his hard-earned savings will get wasted on medical expenses. The right coverage will provide the financial support that you need. But it is possible only when you opt for a proper health insurance scheme. Because there are a plethora of health insurance plans available for customers, it can be a little daunting to choose the right one.

To help you out, we have prepared a guide where we have discussed the top plans that you should consider before opting.

Let’s jump right into it.

Individual Plans

Individual health insurance plans give insurance protection with perks, like reimbursements, cashless hospitalization, pre, and post-hospitalization expenses, etc. It also comes with add-on covers enhancing the basic plan with some added health insurance coverage at a reasonable price.

Coronavirus Insurance Plans

After the outbreak of the new virus Covid-19, several covid 19 health insurance schemes were launched by the leading insurance providers. The policies cover expenses, like oximeters, PPE kits, gloves, ventilators, masks, etc. The plan can be a savior for a person if they get detected with it at any time.

Senior Citizen Plans

It is for parents and elderly with an age of at least 60 years. As you start growing old, the medical expenses keep on increasing. The usual health insurance may not offer immediate coverage for pre-existing diseases. But a proper senior citizen health plan can protect them from such situations. Here, they can also enjoy a co-payment clause, a higher tax exemption, etc.

Family Plans

Against a single premium, the family health insurance covers all the members of the family. In this policy, a certain sum is divided, and it is distributed among the policy members equally. It can be availed of by everyone in the family or by a selected few members. The insurance policy is added under a single health insurance premium.

Critical Illness Plans

The critical insurance plan offers a huge amount to the policyholder if he or she has been diagnosed with a critical illness. It can be paralysis, kidney failure, heart attack, cancer, etc. It is brought as a rider or a standalone policy, but the sum insured is pre-defined. To avail of the perks, the insurer has to survive for a certain number of years after being diagnosed with the diseases.

Personal Accident Cover

Insurance coverage is given if there is a disability or death of the person due to an accident. It incorporates hospitalization charges in the event of the accident. In short, a fixed amount is given when an unfortunate situation happens, and that leads to loss of income.

Maternity Plans

The maternity plans include coverage of child delivery, post, and prenatal care, etc. Some policies also incorporate expenses related to vaccination of the newborn, transportation fee while the mother is being carried to the hospital and many other things. Various insurance providers have different perks and criteria, so look for everything before opting for one.

Family Floater Policy

The insurance policy covers the chosen family members, and all of them are covered under one annual premium. The sum can be used on several hospitalizations and is comparatively affordable for a nuclear family. Adding new members is flexible and easy, and the validity is up to the upper age limit.

Super Top-Ups and Top-Ups

Over a single insurance coverage, the plans giving additional coverage are a top-up. Super top-up is including other coverage over the added one and is done to offer adequate coverage to the insurer. It’s because their present insurance cover is insufficient. While making a purchase order, the deductible amount must be chosen properly.

Avail Today

Many people keep delaying when it comes to availing health insurance, which they should avoid doing. The more you delay the premium will increase, and it is not at all feasible. It is better to select one at the earliest instead of wasting your money on medications.

Choose Wisely

It might happen that you have gotten confused as to which one to choose. The right way is to speak with the insurance company as they can guide you. Make sure that the insurance company representative that you are talking with is experienced so that he/she can guide you to make an informed decision. With that, you can have an idea of how much premium you will have to pay, benefits you can enjoy, and many other things.

Man using computer with Health Insurance Concept -DepositPhotos

The post Online Health Insurance: Coverage Options That Are Must appeared first on Tweak Your Biz.

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