Tuesday, March 9, 2021

How to Ensure a Top Notch Business Cybersecurity in 2021

Technology moves at the speed of light. It’s easy to miss out on innovation if you don’t pay attention to the latest industry developments. That’s especially true for all topics related to cybersecurity. What’s the best way to make sure your business is not only up to date, but safe? Check out the six items below and see if one, some, or all could add to your company’s current state of security.

Password Manager

There’s no simpler way to begin than being certain that you have a secure password manager in place. Whether you give priority to protecting sensitive data, every day online security, or the entire range of privacy issues, the password manager you use should be able to allow access to every one of your business accounts and maintain the maximum amount of protection from hackers and other invasions.


Chances are, you already have a firewall in place. The question is, has it been updated and tested recently? Every day, cyber-crooks get smarter. Don’t fall into the trap of assuming that firewalls are outdated. They aren’t. Yes, hackers have found plenty of ways to make end-runs around them, but for the most part, an updated firewall is the most efficient way to detect the vast majority of break-in attempts that have occurred on your company’s system.

Public Key Infrastructure

If you want access control, fully-compliant digital signatures, multi-faceted authentication, email security via encryption, protected codes that are digitally signed, uniquely identifiable IoT systems, and much else that comes with the tiny padlock icon that appears in browsers, opt for PKI. Public key infrastructure is one of the best multi-taskers of all the cybersecurity components out there. It should be a core part of what your company does to keep your entire system’s protection up to date.

Vulnerability Scanners

Vulnerability scanners are like burglar alarms. All by themselves, they don’t do a lot of protecting, but they are capable of warning IT managers about hundreds of different kinds of breaches. These highly automated tools excel at finding points of exposure in all your organization’s applications and complex systems. Using these kinds of scanners is considered a best practice for companies of all sizes. Expect to face various government mandates and industry guidelines that require you to have them in place.

Penetration Tests

What’s the fastest way to test your entire IT environment for the risk of attack? Use a penetration test to see which areas need updating and which ones are sufficient. For instance, an IT pro might attempt to compromise the company’s email cyber security measures, access password lists, or steal financial data. The point is to have your own IT team think like hackers and do their best to penetrate or in some way compromise the network. It’s important to review after-test findings and rate each protection component. Whatever comes up short should be replaced or bolstered enough to meet requirements.

Antivirus Software

Here’s another potential trap for new owners. Antivirus software is not the same thing as a firewall. Both are necessary for enterprises of any size. Plus, neither one is outdated, so make sure to use the most updated versions of both. What is the main role of antivirus products?

Primarily, the sound the alarm when malware is present or a virus begins to take hold. Look for one that has the capability to sniff email communications for dangerous links and attachments. Some of the newest versions on the market can even quarantine and get rid of a wide variety of threats. Because there are so many products out there, try out several in order to find one that is a good match for your organization’s needs, budget, and industry standards. When purchasing antivirus software, never assume that higher prices are indicative of better products. The essential thing is to identify an appropriate match, test it for a couple weeks, and then make a decision.

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The post How to Ensure a Top Notch Business Cybersecurity in 2021 appeared first on Tweak Your Biz.

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