Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Marketing For Various Niches: What Agencies Need to Know

Working in a marketing agency setting is far different than working in-house for a business. The odds are that you are going to encounter far more diversity in your campaigns. Certain agencies do specialize in marketing for businesses like law firms or healthcare businesses. Others work with a variety of businesses in order to expand their reach in the marketing world. The beauty of working in a marketing agency is that learning various businesses expands overall marketing knowledge. Being able to get a job after working intensely on a national campaign for a business should be a breeze. The following are tips when it comes to marketing online for the niches below. 

Law Firms 

Law firms differ immensely in their budgets due to personal injury attorneys having more of a marketing budget than bankruptcy attorneys on average. This is due to the fact that acquiring a single client could mean a giant settlement in a personal injury case. Personal injury law firms usually will have the budget to compete with others in the area. Take time to do the appropriate keyword research and get data on which cases bring in the most money. An attorney could specialize in car accidents while another handles larger class action cases. Law firm marketing needs to be done carefully as there are legal requirements for language that need to be met. 

Dental Practices

The dental practices across the country saw massive job loss during COVID-19 with many of the jobs being regained. A number of dental practices looked at shutdowns as delayed revenue instead of just lost revenue. Spending on dental care is estimated to go down around 20 percent in 2021 which is going to impact dentists across the country. Content marketing is going to be important to dispel any misconceptions about the dentist. People that take care of their teeth will have nothing to worry about. Seeing the dentist regularly can help prevent long-term issues and your dentist can give you brushing/care tips. You might not be brushing your molars appropriately so you need to implement better brushing techniques along with using mouthwash. The website of the dental practice needs to be designed with setting appointments in mind. 

Home-Service Professionals

HVAC companies and pool maintenance professionals all need a form of marketing. There are areas where there is a saturation of professionals in a local area. HVAC companies in Florida are a great example as it seems like there are multiple within a few minutes of every home. You are going to be doing local SEO for these clients unless they have locations in multiple cities. Getting to know the city is important as writing content for local consumers is different than writing something for generic consumers. The monitoring of online reviews and social media accounts for complaints can help save a relationship with a customer. Rewarding those customers for online reviews can drive reviews while building customer rapport. 

B2B Service Companies

There are so many software and business service companies that need help with marketing. Going to an agency can actually help a business save money overall. Staffing an entire marketing department can be expensive without being assured that their initial campaigns will be a success. Established marketing agencies likely already have contacts to leverage to help get a campaign started quickly. Identifying the pain points of the company that needs marketing is important. The business could produce great content but need it promoted and placed on relevant websites. Customizing a marketing package is important as driving search engine rankings differ from niche to niche. 

Other Marketing Agencies 

There are going to be those marketing agencies that might handle PPC that need help with their content marketing. Marketing for other agencies can be tricky especially if they are particular about the voice used. Marketing agencies are not going to fall for any tricks that other clients might. This could include using a few websites that are a part of a private blog network to drive rankings. Ask exactly what the other marketing agency wants as they might want to avoid certain tactics. 

The creation of content for other agencies can really drive rankings.. Others in the digital marketing space could find these interesting.The agency could generate the topics for your writing team while this could be a task for your editorial team. Remember that other marketing agencies might have other tagging requirements for a blog post or a poor social media strategy. Guarantee a quality content service but never guarantee a certain level of traffic/social media shares.  

The voice that is taken throughout a marketing campaign will differ from client to client. Employees at an agency will consider this the variety they need to keep their jobs interesting. This can help build a versatile team that can take on nearly any client regardless of their industry. 


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