Thursday, February 18, 2021

4 Social Media Marketing Hacks You Wish You Knew Sooner

Social media is one of the fastest and most effective ways to grow your business. A stunning 3.96 billion people use websites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram every year. It’s estimated that more people will create accounts in the coming years, and soon, well over half of the population will have at least one social media account. 

If you want to grow your company with social media, you’re not alone. Countless business owners create social profiles in an attempt to build brand awareness, boost sales, and skyrocket engagement. 

The thing is, there’s a lot you have to take into consideration when planning your social media marketing strategy. We want to help business owners like you make the most of your plan by showing you four social media marketing hacks you can use today. 

Develop Personas with Polls and Surveys

The success of your campaigns directly correlates to how well you know your target audience. All businesses should develop buyer personas that showcase the goals and pain points of their audience. 

Essentially, buyer personas are sheets that detail the habits, demographics, and interests of your audience. You can use this information to create personalized offers and content streams, which we will soon discuss. 

Before you can develop buyer personas, you have to compile basic information about your customers. We suggest gathering information from your followers by including polls and surveys on your social media feed. Ask questions about specific products and pain points so you can keep track of what users expect from your brand. 

You can expedite the process by adding a survey to your website and sending a form to your email subscribers. Before long, you’ll have enough information to create actionable personas for your various social media channels. 

Dynamic Ads Mean Deeper Personalization 

Next, let’s talk about using what you’ve learned to leverage the power of personalization. Consumers tend to interact with companies that show relevant articles and promotions. Simply put, people like reading about things they like. 

Dynamic ads are a type of promotion used primarily through Facebook and Instagram that let you take personalization to the next level. Once you set up your dynamic ad profile, you’ll have the option to upload multiple images, text blocks, and offers. Ideally, you want to submit content in all three categories that appeal to your audience segments. 

The algorithm behind this ad program arranges the pieces you uploaded into organic promotions tailor-made for each user. So, if you have an online pet store, Facebook’s dynamic advertising will automatically make promotions for various pet owners based on your uploads. 

When users are browsing their social media feed, there’s a chance they could see one of your dynamic ads. The best part about this strategy is the ads can change drastically from person to person based on their social media interactions. In other words, if someone joined 10 cat-themed groups, they are more likely to see your dynamic ad for cat food. 

You can tweak and evolve your dynamic advertisements based on customer feedback and conversion rates. We suggest reviewing your campaign analytics twice a month and making adjustments as needed. 

Video Leads to More Engagement

Did you know that publishing high-quality video content leads to more social media engagement? Surveys among business owners on social media show that, on average, video content results in 28% more interactions than text-only posts.  

Now, consider that the social video platform YouTube has a breath-taking 1.9 billion logged-in users every month. It’s easy to see that social media and video work well together. Many people prefer listening instead of reading, so it makes

There are several ways to include more video content on your social media channels. You’ll want to first make a YouTube account so you can create playlists and keep all of your content in one place. It’s also easier to share your content out to other networks from one central location. 

The type of content you create will vary based on your budget, audience size, and industry. We suggest first finding your most popular blog posts and repurposing them into videos. You’ll find that the views on your written posts will translate well to videos because you’re covering the same relevant topic in a different format. 

You should also consider hosting live video events. Consumers like attending webinars, ask me anything (AMA) events, and casual streams where they can chat with people that have similar interests. 

Don’t forget to share your videos across all of your social media channels, and start gathering registrations for live events early so you can maximize the value of your presentation. 

Show Social Proof to Build Consumer Trust

Have you ever bought a product because a friend told you it was a good idea? If so, you’ve experienced social proof. Social proof is the psychological phenomenon in marketing where a user is likely to make a purchasing decision based on feedback from other consumers. 

Social media is the perfect place to build and display social proof for your business. We suggest encouraging followers to share user-generated content that shows them enjoying your products or services. 

One way to get more user-generated content on your profile is with an online giveaway. Pick your most popular product and create a contest where users can enter by sharing pictures of themselves interacting with your brand or products. Consumers are much more likely to check out a company if they see other people actively engaging in the community. As an added benefit, social media giveaways are also an excellent way to boost brand awareness. 

You should also encourage existing customers to leave reviews on your website and across various social platforms. A whopping 83% of consumers trust reviews over advertising. You can bet that showing other people what current customers think of your product will result in more sales and engagement. 

Final Thoughts

It’s clear that social media will continue to play a significant role in marketing for years to come. As companies like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube release new features and ways to connect with customers, we will see online businesses take a prominent role in the social media ecosystem. 

Use the tips we’ve outlined today to improve engagement and conversions across your social media channels. Before long, you’ll have plenty of new followers ready to visit your website and become paying customers. 

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The post 4 Social Media Marketing Hacks You Wish You Knew Sooner appeared first on Tweak Your Biz.

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