Monday, January 25, 2021

The Ins and Outs of an Office Moving Budget

Have you ever wondered how to make the ultimate moving budget for your office? Well, you’ve just landed in the right place, so don’t worry.

Without proper planning, moving, especially moving office spaces, can be a painfully expensive and complicated process. There are long lists that need to be checked and cross-checked, ensuring a lot of factors that one must keep in mind to figure out approximate moving costs.

On average, an office ranter should be willing to spend anywhere from $1,000 up to $3,000 or more on a move. For homeowners, that number is even higher, so count yourself lucky.

Hiring a moving company to help plan your moving budget ensures that the process is easy for everyone.

Prepare a Checklist!

At first, you need to be sure and convinced about the items that you are moving to your new office, making a checklist would help you do the same. You need to gather the courage to let go of the things you always thought would one day come in handy because somewhere in your heart even you know that they wouldn’t. Apart from those, the everyday items like furniture, clothes, and kitchenware will be on your inventory from the very beginning, but still, make it a point to go from room to room in order to ensure that you don’t miss out on anything significant. This would help you to make the right accommodations to fit your needs perfectly.

When Is the Best Time to Move?

Believe it or not, the time of year you decide to move alters how much your move costs. Expect to pay more if you’re planning to move offices during the summer. Fewer people move in the winter because it’s cold and moving in the snow is no easy task.

And, of course, where you’re moving impacts how much a move will cost you. If you’re moving from a suburban area to a big city, the cost of rent will be higher than moving from within the city itself. Some U.S. cities also require a moving permit to park moving trucks. Without one, you will be fined.

Hire the Right Movers!

Having a clear idea of what’s going in your new office also helps you know what kind of movers you need. Professional movers will need your inventory to provide estimates or quotes. These estimates are based on various factors including what’s being moved and where it’s being moved to. Here’s what to expect:

  1. Moving insurance: Moving companies offer clients something called valuation which acts as insurance for your belongings. You are compensated if the company damages or loses your things, which is crucial for office-based companies with a lot of furniture inventory. Companies won’t charge you for basic coverage but will do so for options with more protection.
  2. Base moving fee: Moving companies start out with a base rate. This is the amount that all their customers pay regardless of how much “stuff” is being moved.
  3. Specialty items fee: Things like pool tables, safes, large office desks, and artwork are considered “specialty” items by moving companies. This means that they will likely charge an extra fee to move them because of how fragile or difficult they are to move.

Emergency Finances

Depending on your financial situation, it can be difficult to create an emergency fund for your business. If you’re in the position to have one, it’s smart to have some amount of money set aside for the unexpected. Moving comes with some curveballs. Financial experts say emergency funds should be able to provide for at least three months’ worth of expenses. Therefore, it is important to have an emergency fund for future unprecedented times.

Everyday Finances

Unfortunately, life won’t slow down while you’re moving. Paychecks still have to be sent out, raises given, and business expenses paid for each month. Your everyday finances play a critical role in your office moving budget. This is the money you will divide between your moving budget and other expenses. Track all the monthly expenses and subtract the moving expenses then only you will be able to find the total expenses. This will help you in dividing the expense between your moving budget and other expenses.

Spend and Earn Smart

To afford your move, consider cutting back on spending where you can. If you’re an office who likes to order lunch to eat, start buying ready-to-go sandwich fixings for the office. You could also have office potlucks and freeze those leftovers for lunch at work the next day to save some money.

If you’re having trouble affording everything your move requires, opening a credit card could be the right option for you. Or, there are also small loan options available. Both options give you the breathing room to focus on your move without the stress of paying everything back right away.

Having a moving budget doesn’t mean you’re putting every penny you have into a savings account. Make room in your new financial plan to enjoy yourself, as moving is stressful enough! You might need a distraction from it all – perhaps a walk in the park or spending the night in with your favorite snacks, some friends, and a good movie!

The way to create a moving budget that would alleviate some of your stress is to pay attention to detail and be proactive throughout this daunting process.

Smiling multiethnic coworkers carrying cardboard boxes -DepositPhotos

The post The Ins and Outs of an Office Moving Budget appeared first on Tweak Your Biz.

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