Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Artificial Intelligence Revolutionizing Recruitment

The world’s current social and economic state has sparked a chain reaction throughout various markets that has stormed the global economy. Not just business, but every aspect of our lives has now totally transformed into a whole new environment. We no longer have the freedom to move around, go to the office, meet friends, etc., due to the practice of social distancing.  

Therefore, businesses have made their operations remote, insisting their employees work from home. Organizations have become more inclined towards technology to survive during these testing times. Hence, it does not come as a surprise that recruitment is now being executed with the help of Artificial Intelligence (AI), which has made this process even simpler. 

More and more businesses are trusting technology and AI tools to find the right match for their company. The changing demand for the recruitment sector has boosted the adoption of Artificial Intelligence(AI) within various industries. Here are ten intriguing ways of how AI is used in recruitment: 

10 Amazing Ways AI Is Used in Recruitment

Automated Sourcing of Candidates  

The search for the right talent begins by sourcing prospective applicants and creating a funnel. But even though you know where to locate qualified candidates (job boards, social media, etc.), this can be a daunting – often time-consuming – activity.

 Although digitization has taken over the world, manually sorting through the resumes obtained for every specific job-posting is still a time-consuming process for hiring managers. The AI recruiting technology ( like an applicant tracking system for hiring) allows recruiters to automate their selection process and, at the same time, expand their scope.  

Today, the selection of applicants with appropriate expertise, the shortlisting of those with the necessary amount of experience, or the execution of background tasks, all of it can be optimized and automated through AI. It also has the ability to post job openings on several career boards and social media platforms at once.

It can skim through hundreds and thousands of resumes in a couple of moments and come up with the best-fit applications for the position. This would save some valuable hours for the recruiters and make the recruiting process more efficient. 

Revaluating the Past Candidate Pool  

Let’s focus a bit more on the applicant pipeline. Usually, we have so many profiles in our database that some potentially valuable prospects only end up being lost. Particularly in today’s job market, where many businesses are struggling to find the best talent, this is a tragedy – those excellent candidates can still be there, right in front of you!

Numerous providers use AI technologies to screen the current applicant pool for strong potential applicants from the past who could be a good match for a new position. Ranking can also contain impressive profiles that have been overlooked for months or years. Maybe you already have the best candidate for the job! 

Use Of Chatbots For Assistance   

In recruiting, AI-powered assistants will, among other aspects, help minimize the amount of time taken to hire a candidate and maximize the pool of candidates who fulfill the application process. In addition to offering HR teams automation of administrative tasks, such as gathering employee data and performing initial screening, chatbots are now known to be ideal resources for candidate interaction.

AI Chatbots

Recruiters may use chatbots to respond to applicants’ questions and schedule interviews with the shortlisted candidates. This decreases the unnecessary waiting period that candidates would have faced as they depended on HR personnel to answer their queries. Chatbots have indeed enhanced candidate engagement and also improve employee experience at a later level. 

Redefining Employee Referrals  

In the current job-seeker-driven industry, recruiters and talent managers need to act efficiently to get the right candidates in the gates. One way to accomplish this is, as we outlined above, to unleash the influence of the internal workforce’s forgotten profiles.  

And another preferred way to recruit the right talent is through your existing workforce. Referred new recruits are also ideally qualified, more committed, less likely to leave, and more profitableand have an idea of the organization’s culture beforehand. But it’s no wonder that employee referrals and employee referral systems are on the rising.

AI technology is now redefining the ways employee referrals happen in an organization. It allows businesses to proactively recognize the best passive talent on the workforce’s network and eventually engages the right employee to refer. 

Access To Diverse Talent Pool 

AI can be a hot subject in the recruiting field, but so is hiring a diverse workforce. A dynamic and diverse set of employees have many proven benefits for companies. It leads to increasing the range of expertise, talents, and competence in the employees. Yet, the fact that we humans are biased (even though we always work hard not to be) isn’t really right when it comes to hiring in diversity. 

That’s why it’s a positive thing that there are quite a few vendors out there providing AI-driven options to support recruiters with their diverse recruiting process. This can mean a variety of things, from using an AI-powered chatbot and pre-employment evaluations to blind recruiting to writing dynamic job ads. AI is a tool to help combat bias and discrimination that can contribute to facilitating diversity within the organization.  

Video Interviews With AI 

Video interviews are increasingly becoming an integral part of (mobile) recruitment. Not only can they save recruiters and hiring managers a lot of time, but they also encourage them to experience the enthusiasm of others, the way they view themselves, and a more measurable overall impression. 

But still, the evolution of AI in recruiting is now pushing it a bit further. Some systems even include artificially intelligent recruiting, an ever-growing archive of questions, expert assessments, recorded interviews, video conferencing, and speech and face recognition, and so on.  

AI-Enabled Value Propositions

Several businesses actually offer a single Employee Value Proposition (EVP), a specific package of incentives that employees earn in exchange for the expertise, talents, and experience they contribute to the organization. However, if you give it a thought, it doesn’t make any real sense. 

After all, each employee is different, and although a certain package of benefits may be ideal for one employee, it might not work for another. Thanks to AI (analyzing traits, among several other things), it will soon be possible for businesses to deliver an EVP tailored not only to their diverse applicants but also to each and every specific candidate being onboarded. This is another innovation of AI that ties in with the personalized interface pattern discussed.

Quality Hiring Decisions 

AI can easily analyze a huge amount of data and come up with solutions that help hire managers and make wise recruitment decisions. New-age recruiters use Artificial Intelligence to analyze the choice of words, speech gestures, and facial expressions of applicants to decide they are fit for the specific job position. 

Experts worldwide are now aiming to free the recruitment process from any sort of bias by using AI algorithms.  

Generating Perfect Job Adverts 

Preparing a flawless job post is not as simple as you think it is. The title of your job and the job description must be clear and transparent. Owing to the current global situation, several companies are in the midst of hiring freezes and layoffs.  

Many of the aspiring candidates are still under the assumption that businesses are not open to recruiting. Therefore, this is a time for recruiters to make their first move. And this can be done with a well-written job post. Sometimes overlooked, it is with the job ad that attracts the applicants.

It’s probably the first thing that the candidate sees about your organization. AI-driven software plays a vital role as they use data and predictive analysis while creating an intriguing job post so that you end up finding the best talent. 

 Candidate Background Verifications 

A background check is carried out on all prospective applicants for the legitimacy of their qualifications in several cases. Traditional background checks are very tedious and time-taking. But this phenomenon has been accelerating since the evolution of AI.  

AI-powered background checks allow recruiters to minimize bias and ensure privacy. This way, the recruiters will make sure the applicant is legitimate and saves time in the recruitment process. 

Bottom Line

We think now it’s possibly fair to assume that nearly every aspect of the recruiting funnel has an AI-powered solution. And there are some really compelling arguments why recruiters and hiring managers should adopt AI, and here are some of the most significant ones: 

  • To eliminate bias 
  • To offer a better candidate experience. 
  • To focus on other strategic HR functions. 

Well, if you did not adopt AI yet, this could be a good time to start looking at the various AI solutions that might help you simplify the recruiting process in this new normal. AI surely cannot substitute the intelligence possessed by the recruiters. Still, in the years ahead, the quality hire will rely on how efficiently the recruiters automate their workflows, which will be possible with the help of AI.

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The post Artificial Intelligence Revolutionizing Recruitment appeared first on Tweak Your Biz.

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